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God is speaking to you all of the time. There is a wealth of wisdom, love and encouragement that He wants to pour out to you, before you begin your day.
When you subscribe to get a Daily Prophetic Word, you are subscribing to a dose of power. Every word will wash you and steer you in the right direction. If you want a continual flow of power, then subscribe below.
Next Gen Prophets
So, who, exactly are you receiving from?
All of our prophets and fivefold ministers have been trained and equipped in the Prophetic Training School. They are all either exemplary students, or members of Apostle Craig and Colette’s core team of Next Gen Prophets. Many of them are full-time ministers, having their own ministries, and stand in the fullness of prophetic office. While all of them, are passionately in love with the Lord, and sold out for God. Each one has been trained in how to enter into the Throne Room, get a word from God and to release that anointing onto you.
So, when you suddenly get hit with a bolt of power, don’t say we did not warn you. These words are sharp and will give you direction for your future, as well as God’s perspective on your current situation.
Apostles Craig and Colette Toach
Parenting and Equipping this Generation of Next Gen Prophets, Apostles Craig and Colette Toach began their ministry more than 20 years ago, launching the Prophetic Training School in 1999.
Since then, they have travelled the world, raising up fivefold leaders, and establishing an apostolic work in 3 countries. When you subscribe to the Daily Prophetic Word, you are receiving from their team of Next Gen Prophets.
For more on their ministry, go here:
Next Gen Prophet Podcast
You have been on quite the journey already, haven’t you prophet? What? Did you think you were the only one? Training prophets since 1999 Apostles Craig and Colette Toach have seen all the patterns and quirks that make up the Lord’s prophet. Never fitting in, passionately loving Jesus, and always saying the wrong thing... you are in good company.
Everything changes from here prophet! The moment you push play to listen to this podcast your whole world will be flipped upside down as you discover how the Lord has been grooming you to become his treasured next gen prophet. Welcome to the place where fitting out is fitting in!
Enlist to Start Your Training as a Next Gen Prophet!
Prophetic Training School
2021 Best Seller!!
Prophetic Prayer
By: Apostle Colette Toach
Your prayers are powerful! You can bring heaven down to earth and be a "game changer" for the Lord. All you need are a few secrets from the prophets.
In this book, Apostle Colette guides you through the prophet's prayer closet/armory. Ready to pick up weapons of mass destruction? You're about to put your hands on weapons that'll have the enemy crying out for mercy!
Welcome to Prophetic Prayer.
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